Illustration of a single-stream recycling bin


Montclair State Recycles!

We run a single-stream recycling program. Single-stream recycling means that we put all of our recyclable materials into the same bin. All recyclable paper, plastic, glass, and metal are collected together to be transported to a materials recovery facility (MRF) where they are sorted and processed for recycling.

In addition to our single-stream program, Facilities manages the recycling of other materials such as electronic waste, hazardous waste, automotive waste, and vegetative waste from landscaping.

If your office needs to recycle electronic equipment, you can enter a Move Request through Maximo and our Moving Crew will arrange to pickup your item(s).

What can I recycle on campus?

Before you put an item in a recycling bin, make sure it is empty – food & liquid contaminate recycling and should never go in the recycling bin.

When it doubt, throw it out.  If you’re unsure of whether or not an item can be recycled, err on the side of caution and put it in the trash. Don’t be a wishcycler!

Yes – Recycle These Items

  • Paper from printers & copiers
  • Notebook paper
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Paper bags
  • Cereal boxes
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Plastic beverage bottles
  • Metal beverage cans
  • Metal food cans (soup, sauces, etc.)
  • Glass bottles & jars
  • Plastic containers with the #s 1, 2, or 5 printed on the bottom. This may include jugs for milk, juice, or detergent; tubs for yogurt, margarine, and other spreads.

No – Put These in the Trash

  • Face masks
  • Rubber gloves
  • Food
  • Pizza boxes
  • Plastic bags and other flexible plastic films/wrapping
  • Straws
  • Plastic utensils
  • Foam packaging
  • Fabric
  • Plastic containers with no number printed on them, and those with numbers 3, 4, 6, or 7 printed on them.
  • Compostable items
  • Alkaline batteries

Avoid Contamination

single stream recycling bin

It’s on us to recycle correctly.

Recycling contamination occurs when any non-recyclable material is put into the recycling bin.

  • Foods and liquids can ruin the quality of recyclables, making them unrecyclable, and sending them to the landfill as trash.
  • Items such as plastic bags get tangled in sorting machinery and can cause major damage.
  • Just one bag of contaminated recycling can send an entire truck load to the landfill!


We work with our waste management contractor to send our yard waste from landscaping off-site to be composted.

The University does not operate an on-site composter or composting program with Dining Services.

If you’re interested in the reduction of food waste on campus, check out the Montclair State chapter of the Food Recovery Network (FRN). The FRN is a national movement at colleges and universities with a joint mission to reduce both food insecurity and food waste. The FRN rescues wholesome, edible surplus food from Dining Services that would have otherwise been discarded and donates it to hunger-fighting community partners. For more information or to get involved, please contact Dr. Lauren Dinour.

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